Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back in the Hospital

Tage was life flighted to the Children's Hospital in Denver this week because of a horrible respiratory cold. He was on 5 liters of oxygen and still only satting the in the high 80's. He is feeling much better now. Here are a few photos from his hospital stay. He is still in the hospital recovering and awaiting an upcoming reinostimosis surgery.

The real Superman with his Huge balloon and new laptop. Gotta keep busy in the hospital.

Huntlie is doing pretty good handling life with her big brother in the Children's Hospital.

Everyone's doing such a good job taking care of Tager and helping to make him feel better and cheering him up. This is his first popsicle ever. He surprisingly did a great job. We were trying to cool down a 102.5 fever. He had orange lips for 2 days afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Tage is the modern day Super Man!! We appreciate the updates and pictures at this tough bump in the road. We pray for you all daily and know Tage is in the best place. Hi to all!

Gucci Mama said...

Praying for you guys and looking forward to good news!