Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm 8 months old !..... ( by Huntlie Carrier)

I am now 8 months old and I'm learning to do many new things!

~I am about 18 pounds 10 ounces! My brother forgot to tell you that he's about 26 pounds 8 ounces.

~My hair is blond now and sticks straight up on top. It's soft and fuzzy and feathery. Even Tage and I like to touch my hair. (Sometimes I pull Tage's curly blond hair:0)

~I can sit up all by myself and you better watch out because nothing is safe around me! I can reach REALLY far in all directions and once I find something, I will immediately chew it like a beaver!

~I have two teeth, and I love them!

~I can now eat baby crackers all by myself. (Baby Mum-mums are the best!)

~I also have eaten a little bit of ice cream, a french fry, toast, avocado, and a slice of homegrown tomato.

~I like to try to hold my own bottle.

~Tage JUST taught me how to clap my hands yesterday!

~I love to dance to music!

~I can sing too! and scream, yell, growl, and blow raspberries. (sometimes I like to blow my food all over the place too :0)

~Sometimes, I can sit still enough to make it through a whole book when mommy reads!

~I'm getting pretty good with my hands, and am good at grabbing stuff with my feet too!

~I like to make changing my diaper a challange for mommy and daddy. I squirm, wiggle, roll over, scoot, and pull on my diaper with my hands and feet!

~I really want to learn how to crawl. For now, I think the best way to get from one spot to another is to scoot, on my back with only my head and feet touching the ground.

~When Tage is on his hands and knees, mommy puts me on my hands and knees too, and now I can hold myself up almost as long as Tagey.

~I kindof like to torture my brother. I really love to pull and chew on his oxygen tubing. Sometimes we have oxygen tubing tug of wars.
~Tage always finds the coolest toys to play with so as soon as he gets a toy, I try to rip it from his hands.

~ I love jumping in the jumparoo or the baby bungee! I finally learned how to actually jump now. I've been intently watching Tage do it for months.
~I still love to stand up as much as possible. I can stand by myself against the couch, ottoman, or wagon for quite a while without falling.

~I love to go places with my family. I even squeal and get excited when mommmy and daddy fill Tage's travel liquid O2 tank. It's loud and when that gets filled, I know we are going on a feild trip! ~My favorite things are...Tage, my metal bowl of golf balls, my pink teddy bear in jammies, Tage's fire truck, my baby dolls, and our blocks. I also love my cold 'chewies' for teething.

Brutus the Grizzly

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