Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Loves his new truck and really balances well!

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Tage-18 months

Tage is now 18 months and approaching 24 pounds! He has really been learning alot of things lately. He now is able to eat some things with a spoon. He likes fruits like apples and pears best and has also had bites of prunes, bananas, peaches, green beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots! He also loves to drink water and juice out of a sippy cup or bottle. He'll drink a couple ounces at a time now! These are huge accomplishments.
He is able to sit up alone for extended periods of time to play now. He prefers to sit up on the floor most of the day. He also is able to hold himself up on his hands and knees for a few minutes at a time. He is getting pretty strong.
He has learned to point to things, still claps alot, squeals and shows his excitement when we go places, he loves to play "So Big," and waves Hi and Bye. We are working with a speech therapist for communication and still goes to OT and PT a few times a week. He sure works hard and we are very proud of his accomplishments. He's doing great.
Oh ya, notice all that hair! and he now has about 7 teeth with two more coming in soon.

Huntlie- 6 months


Huntlie is six months! She's approaching 17 pounds! She is growing fast and loves to eat baby food now. She eats 3 meals a day and likes pretty much everything. Peas and bananas weren't here favorite at first. She is getting better and better at balancing and can sit alone for quite a while now. She lost her long darker hair and is now getting some blond fuzz back. She is pretty wild! She is trying to use her hands more now and will swat at and try to get anything and everything!