Monday, January 5, 2009

Some photos from Christmas at the Carriers

Hannah Jade came to visit

Tager with some of his new toys and a new chair

Our Charlie Brown Tree

Tage and his little sister got matching pairs of Grandpa pants

opening gifts

Tage with Great Grandma Honey on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve dinner...Tage joined us in his new high chair

We're usually used to a BIG family Christmas....or 3 of them to be exact. We usually travel to Sheridan County and celebrate with both my Overgaard/Ross family and my Sorenson family where there are 12-25 people at each. Then also celebrate with the Carriers when we get home. This year, to keep things GERM-FREE in our home (and because we can't get enough oxygen in the car to travel home, and I'm on bedrest...) we celebrated with 3 small celebrations at our house. On Christmas Eve, Justin's family came over for gifts, alfredo, and fun. We were blessed to be able to have Great Grandma Honey and Justin's Aunt Michelle over as well as Grandma Sara and Grandpa Kent. On Christmas Day, my mom and Mike and Jesse and Amy came over for more good food, gifts, and fun. It was a different Christmas but fun all the same. On Saturday Jan. 3rd, my Dad, Laura, and baby Hannah made the trip over ice and snow to Bozeman to celebrate with us. We had hors devors and opened gifts and played with babies. Since Tage's birthday was coming up so soon, he got to open a few birthday gifts as well. We feel so blessed to have been able to celebrate with all of Tage's grandparents this year, but are looking forward to the day when we'll be able to spend the holidays back in frigid NE Montana again too. We missed seeing all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and all of our good friends in Pwood.