~ I love to crawl all over and I really love to crawl FAST!
~It's so fun to crawl through little spaces like under tables, benches, and toys. I crawl under and around everything until my cannula's are pulled tight on my nose and then I have to holler for help to get untangled!
~ I'm getting pretty strong now because when I crawl crazy Huntlie always trys to ride on me or climb all over me. I think she likes me, but man she makes me angry sometimes.
~ I can pull myself up to standing.
~ I just learned how to 'cruise' around the furniture! I still need to get a little stronger and work on my balance, but hopefully I'll be walking soon! I can't wait to get that Huntlie back!
~ I love to walk while someone holds my arms. I also like to walk to push my trucks around, but need an adult to stay close to help a little.
~ I can push anything around while on my tall knees.
~ I like to play catch with a big bouncy ball. I can actually catch the ball all by myself sometimes.
~ We have a basketball hoop just my size and when I'm standing next to it, I can slam dunk it! I have the hugest hands and can 'palm' all our basketballs!
~ I'm working pretty hard these days and usually have a few bruises on my forehead to show for it. (if not from face plants, they're from my sister.)
~I work with the best physical therapist twice a week.
~ I still love to play with blocks and can make even taller towers now.
~ I can put all of the rings on my Melissa and Doug ring stacker.
~ When someone shows me the right spot, I love to put the shapes into my shapes sorters.
~ I have a new race track and it's so fun to put the cars on the track and watch them race to the finish.
~ I love to write on my Magnadoodle!
~ I still really enjoy looking at books, pointing to the pictures, and turning the pages. Some of my favorite books are touch and feel books and books with flaps to peek under.
~ I have awesome occupational therapists who come three times a week. Sometimes I play in dry rice and beans with them. I'd rather pick up each bean one by one than stick my hands in too deep.
~ I also like to play in squishy stuff like shaving cream, pudding, cool whip, and Birthday Cake!
~ I love bath time and think its so fun to splash mommy and daddy.
~I'm trying to talk all the time now. Sometimes, I have to yell really loud to be heard over my little sister.
~ I know about 20 words in sign language and can say 20 or so words with my voice too. I can even say Hunt and Hannah, and just today I said Tage pretty darn good!
~ I can say some two syllable words like 'yellow,' 'purple,' 'amen,' and 'bubble.'
~My friend,(I just learned the sign for 'friend' last week!) Jill, comes over to play and do speech therapy twice a week.
~Eating is tough, but I'm slowly getting better and better.
~ I usually eat yogurt or oatmeal with applesauce for breakfast and that is my favorite meal. I like sweet and fruity foods best!
~ Mommy and Daddy puree lots of good food for me to try so for lunch and dinner, I usually eat pureed chicken, turkey, or pork, a pureed vegetable, and applesauce. I just discovered that sour cream makes everything better!
~ I've recently been trying lots of new things like cottage cheese, avocado, hard boiled egg yolk, mom's pasta with marinara, and homemade split pea soup. I don't mind trying new things as long as mommy and daddy smash it up really good.
~ I love to drink water or milk with my bottle, I'm not too sure about juice yet. I can use a #3 nipple now and I'm working on drinking from a cup too.
~ A couple weeks ago at the doctor, our nurse gave me my first lollipop and I sure liked licking that.
~ I'm also getting much better at brushing teeth. Mom brushes before each meal to desensitize and before bed. Just this week we tried a spinning brush and I love it! I even like to brush my own teeth with that. (by the way, I have two molars now!)
Well, that's about all I can think of for now! I'll check back in when I have more exciting new things to share! Thanks for reading.... TAGE DANIEL