Friday, October 30, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm 8 months old !..... ( by Huntlie Carrier)

I am now 8 months old and I'm learning to do many new things!

~I am about 18 pounds 10 ounces! My brother forgot to tell you that he's about 26 pounds 8 ounces.

~My hair is blond now and sticks straight up on top. It's soft and fuzzy and feathery. Even Tage and I like to touch my hair. (Sometimes I pull Tage's curly blond hair:0)

~I can sit up all by myself and you better watch out because nothing is safe around me! I can reach REALLY far in all directions and once I find something, I will immediately chew it like a beaver!

~I have two teeth, and I love them!

~I can now eat baby crackers all by myself. (Baby Mum-mums are the best!)

~I also have eaten a little bit of ice cream, a french fry, toast, avocado, and a slice of homegrown tomato.

~I like to try to hold my own bottle.

~Tage JUST taught me how to clap my hands yesterday!

~I love to dance to music!

~I can sing too! and scream, yell, growl, and blow raspberries. (sometimes I like to blow my food all over the place too :0)

~Sometimes, I can sit still enough to make it through a whole book when mommy reads!

~I'm getting pretty good with my hands, and am good at grabbing stuff with my feet too!

~I like to make changing my diaper a challange for mommy and daddy. I squirm, wiggle, roll over, scoot, and pull on my diaper with my hands and feet!

~I really want to learn how to crawl. For now, I think the best way to get from one spot to another is to scoot, on my back with only my head and feet touching the ground.

~When Tage is on his hands and knees, mommy puts me on my hands and knees too, and now I can hold myself up almost as long as Tagey.

~I kindof like to torture my brother. I really love to pull and chew on his oxygen tubing. Sometimes we have oxygen tubing tug of wars.
~Tage always finds the coolest toys to play with so as soon as he gets a toy, I try to rip it from his hands.

~ I love jumping in the jumparoo or the baby bungee! I finally learned how to actually jump now. I've been intently watching Tage do it for months.
~I still love to stand up as much as possible. I can stand by myself against the couch, ottoman, or wagon for quite a while without falling.

~I love to go places with my family. I even squeal and get excited when mommmy and daddy fill Tage's travel liquid O2 tank. It's loud and when that gets filled, I know we are going on a feild trip! ~My favorite things are...Tage, my metal bowl of golf balls, my pink teddy bear in jammies, Tage's fire truck, my baby dolls, and our blocks. I also love my cold 'chewies' for teething.

Brutus the Grizzly

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Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm 20 Months.....(by Tage Daniel)

I'm 20 months old now and I'm learning to do so many things!

~I can sit up all by my self to play with my toys. I can even reach toys that are really far away!
~When I'm laying on my back, I can just roll over onto my tummy, real quick now. (it's really fun to do this when mama or dada is trying to change my diaper :0)
~Once I'm on my tummy, I can pretty much crawl up onto my hands and knees with only a little help!
~On my hands and knees, I like to bounce and imagine myself crawling...I can crawl with my arms when someone helps with my legs. Pretty soon I'll be crawling all by myself and then Huntlie better hold onto her toys!
~Sometimes I like to play with my toys sitting on my knees. This takes good balance.
~Speaking of Balance....I am getting stronger and stronger at balancing when I swing, sit on a bench, and sit on a therapy disc or big ball.
~I like to stand up when my mom or dad holds my hands. I'm starting to stand up straighter and I'm really tall! Wait till you see what I'll be able to do after my spine gets fixed in Denver.

~Hey, I'm learning to communicate better!
~I can say all these words with my hands...'please', 'more', 'water', 'all done', 'up', I can blow kisses, wave hi and bye, clap my hands, and point to things.
~I like to practice saying my sounds too. I try hard to say words like, mom, more, dad, duck, dog, book, ball, bubbles, boom, lion, up, nnnnnn
~I could even tell you what sounds a horse and a sheep make! I know what a cow says too and say mmm, but the O sound is a little tricky still.
~I still like to read books and can point to lots of things in pictures. I like eyes and teeth best!
~I can point to my own hair, tummy, toes, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears...but only when I feel like it. hehehe

~Oh ya, I can do lots of other things with my hands now too!
~I am just learning how to stack blocks on top of each other. I like to watch mom or dad make BIG towers. I have such control that I like to observe the build and check out the tower for a while before I gently knock it over! :0)
~That's fun, but I really like to put things in boxes and bowls....and then shake em!
~I think it's cool to "reel in" things, you know, like my oxygen tubes and pulse ox. My new pull toy puppy and Angie's alligator are fun to reel in too.
~I'm even getting better at putting the big puzzle pieces back in.

~I'm learning how to eat now.
~I LOVE to drink water from my bottle. I like milk, juice, and even my formula too.
~And I'm working on eating baby food. My favorite seems to be apples with blueberries. I took 25 bites in a row last week.

Some of my favorite things are...
My new nesting blocks

Going on walks with my family
Our neighborhood Ducks
My einstein books (and really ALL books)
Shaking my shakers! (oh ya, and I love my little sister)

Baking with my Mom

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Few Baby Thoughts...

~How can something SO tiny produce SO much laundry?
~and how can that tiny, sweet being produce something that smells SO bad?
~Did you ever think you'd have to talk about and think about poo-poos SO much?
~Why in the world do those tiny fingernails grow SO fast? and what is the trick in cutting them?
~Why is the other baby's toy always SO much more interesting?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 Things I'm Loving....

My friend Hillary just did a blog post on the 10 things she's loving right now and I loved that idea. What a great way to reflect on the blessings in life today! So, here is my list of
"Ten Things I'm Loving Today...."

1. I absolutely Love my beautiful orange Anniversary flowers. They brighten our house! I also loved celebrating 7 years of marriage.

2. I love hearing the squeals of excitement when Tage hears his travel oxygen tank being filled. He loves to get out and about.

3. I love long walks on beautiful summer days.

4. I love shopping and finding great sales!

5. I love the quiet times nursing and snuggling with Huntlie...even those in the middle of the night.

6. I love good barbecue!

7. I love visits from old friends and family.

8. I love the Farmer's market.....Kettle Corn, Flathead Cherries, Pixie Boutique, Ona's pottery, Hot Mama Salsa, taste tests from Miller farms and Senoritas, and the little violinists (just to mention a few of my faves)!

9. I love living in a house with NO stairs!

10. I'm actually surprisingly enjoying life with No digital cable. I rarely turn the TV on anymore.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Loves his new truck and really balances well!

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Tage-18 months

Tage is now 18 months and approaching 24 pounds! He has really been learning alot of things lately. He now is able to eat some things with a spoon. He likes fruits like apples and pears best and has also had bites of prunes, bananas, peaches, green beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots! He also loves to drink water and juice out of a sippy cup or bottle. He'll drink a couple ounces at a time now! These are huge accomplishments.
He is able to sit up alone for extended periods of time to play now. He prefers to sit up on the floor most of the day. He also is able to hold himself up on his hands and knees for a few minutes at a time. He is getting pretty strong.
He has learned to point to things, still claps alot, squeals and shows his excitement when we go places, he loves to play "So Big," and waves Hi and Bye. We are working with a speech therapist for communication and still goes to OT and PT a few times a week. He sure works hard and we are very proud of his accomplishments. He's doing great.
Oh ya, notice all that hair! and he now has about 7 teeth with two more coming in soon.